Native Irish Honey Bees

Apis Mellifera Mellifera

Welcome to this website dedicated to promoting, protecting, and preserving the Native Irish Honeybee! This unique subspecies of the European honeybee is native to Ireland and has been an important part of the country’s history and culture for thousands of years. Known for its hardiness, resilience, and ability to thrive in challenging conditions, the Native Irish Honeybee plays a crucial role in the health of Ireland’s ecosystems and agriculture. However, this species faces numerous threats, including habitat loss, disease, and climate change. Our goal is to raise awareness about the significance of the Native Irish Honeybee and the challenges it faces, and to encourage action to protect and preserve this important species for future generations. Join us as we explore the history, benefits, and efforts to protect and preserve the Native Irish Honeybee.

We enjoy talking to other like minded beekeepers so feel free to reach out to discuss how you can help or if you require further information.

Honeybee on flower
Honey Bee Images

Heirloom Honey Bees?

Heritage & Heirloom Species

There is much talk about heritage & heirloom seeds and native tress etc. and much effort has gone into preserving and protecting them, and correctly so. Likewise, I am attempting to do the same, as are a number of others including the Native Irish Honeybee Society (NIHBS) of which I am a member. Feel free to support them over at by becoming a member.

The Native Irish Honeybee can be considered an heirloom species. An heirloom species refers to a plant or animal that has been passed down through generations and has cultural or historical significance. The Native Irish Honeybee fits this definition as it has been present in Ireland for thousands of years and has been passed down from generation to generation of beekeepers. It is a unique subspecies that is well adapted to the Irish climate and has played a crucial role in the country’s history and culture. The Native Irish Honeybee is an important symbol of Ireland’s heritage and is valued for its unique traits and abilities. Just like an heirloom plant or animal, the Native Irish Honeybee is considered a valuable and important part of the country’s history and identity that must be preserved for future generations.

What are the strengths of  the Native Irish Honeybees you may ask? For one thing,  Irelands ever changeable weather poses little problem to our black bee as it adapts quickly to these changes. It also forages at low temperatures and even in the rain! They are very frugal with their winter stores and build up very rapidly in the spring. They are aslo very good  and dependable honey producers. Properly mated native honeybees are very placid and a joy to work with. They also have a low tendency to swarm when properly managed.

The history, threats, benefits and how you can help the Native Irish Honey Bee

History of the Native Irish Honeybee

History – From the Celtic Times to the Modern Era:

The Native Irish Honeybee has been present in Ireland for thousands of years, with evidence of beekeeping dating back to the Celtic times. 

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Protection of the Native Irish Honey bee

Why this Valuable Species must be Protected

The Native Irish Honeybee is a unique subspecies of the European honeybee that is native to Ireland. 

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Preserve Irish Native Bees

What can you can do to help?

It is up to all of us to take action and protect the Native Irish Honeybee. Here are some steps you can take to help protect this valuable species.

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The Benefits of the Native Irish Honeybee

When it comes to beekeeping, many people are unaware of the differences between native and imported honeybees.

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Native Irish Honey Bees

Find out all you need to know about Irelands only native honey bee and why they’re so special

Thinking of Keeping Bees?

If you are thinking of becoming a beekeeper we can assist you in finding Native Irish Bees to get you started.

Native Irish Honey Bee Queen

How Can You Help

If you would like to know how you can assist in conserving the Native Irish Honey clicke her  for more information

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Our Native Irish Honey Bee Blog

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